Friday, May 29, 2009

McLachlan opens a can of whoop ass on Dem power grab

State Senator MichaelMcLachlan had a rip roaring time last night arguing against the Democrats bill removing the Governors authority to appoint a replacement Senator should a United States Senator leave office before the term expires. From the Hartford Courant:
Sen. Michael McLachlan, a DanburyRepublican, noted that the legislature had debated the idea at the committee level for more than a decade. "It's been getting tuned up for 12 years, and we might have to shoot for 13,'' said McLachlan, who opposed the Democratic-written change as "a power grab.''
Nice job Senator McLachlan. This is just another 2 am assault on Governor Rell's authority.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Been busy...but we have stuff..

Boy oh boy how time flies.. We have been busy getting the "good stuff" you need. Want a taste? We are hearing that Councilman John Esposito has decided to pack it in. We haven't even started with this years sacrificial lamb- Gary Goncalves, and maybe a surprise City Clerk candidate for the Dems that will unite Republicans and Democrats in opposition..There's more, so stay tuned.

On the Republican side? Hearing that Councilwoman McMahon has decided to run on a different spot on this falls ticket.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Councilman Warren Levy misleds the public.

Anybody catch the display of preening and politicking in front of the cameras by Councilman Warren Levy during the budget meeting on Tuesday evening?

Did it not make you wanna barf all over the TV when this guy was claiming to be a fiscal conservative??
Let us take a stroll down memory lane for the Councilman... a quick fact check of Mr. Levy's record shows that he was the only Councilman to vote in favor of giving the teachers a million dollar plus raise in their contract- at a time when the city could not afford it.

Levy voted for all of the major bond requests while on the Common Council, including the Police Station and the Open Space Bond...

Levy lies and distorts his own record as he criticizes the mayors budget.

In his remarks to the Council, he stated that "the budget is one of the most important things the council does all year", yet, according to the minutes of the budget sub-committee meetings found on the City of Danbury's website, he didn't even bother to attend many of the meetings..

Just had to laugh while watching the meeting the other night, this guy takes the cake when comes to misleading the public.

PS. Will someone at City Hall please fix the damn sound on the TV broadcast?